I'll start off by saying I have nothing against hippies. I have nothing against anyone I believe you should live your life and not force your values on others, which is one of the many reasons why people confuse me with a common hippie.
Here are my other problems:
1. I have long hair.
2. I use organic cleaning products.
3. I have a beard.
4. With the exception of seafood, I don't eat meat.
5. I believe war should never be entered into until all diplomatic means are
exhausted. Ok so that ones not totally hippie like.
6. I would like nothing better then to live in a remote cabin in the woods and not
have to be dependent on others.
7. I believe all drugs should be legal.
8. I dream of being able to live off my own creativity.
So these are my problems. On the surface I resemble nothing more then you average hippie. I title I long to distance myself from, however, there are several things preventing this.
First of all my long hair and beard. I was not blessed with what some may call "good" genes. In other words I have no chin and without facial hair I look like a 12 year old girl. When I cut my hair short I look like the dorky side kick in a John Hughes movie. Consequently I am forced to cover as much of my facial features as possible.
Second my use of organic cleaning, and health and beauty products. This goes back to that "good genes" issue. I'm very sensitive to chemicals and perfumes. I'm starting to think my parents were related.
My decision to not eat meat isn't absolute. But I do have to watch what I eat because it's not hard for me to gain weight as I learned in college and there is a history of diabetes in my family, as well as alcoholism, and money laundering. I also never liked red meat all that much but I am from the Chesapeake Bay so I can't turn down seafood not now not ever. And for some reason when I smell bacon I must eat bacon.
As far as my views towards war and drugs I don't think my beliefs fall under the category of hippie but I would like to see one substituted for the other.
My dream to live away from society comes from living in New York. Believe me if you lived in New York for even a month you'd want to get as far from another living person as possible. I'm pretty sure my neighbors are in my shower and the subway stops at the foot of my bed. That's why one day when I have the money I'm going to buy a remote cabin surrounded by trees fill it full of guns and become that crazy legend every small town is required to have. That's why you'll also see those animal charity banner ads at the bottom of my page. Frankly I hate people. Not that people I know and like, but people in general.
Finally my choice to live a life devoted to using my own creativity. I've never been good at math.
So that's me and that explains me. I'm not a hippie but I can see how others would make that mistake. Fortunately I have a strong beliefs in the second amendment and a kitten pelt farm that usually sets people straight.