Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I Heart Actors

I work around actors everyday. Unfortunately that means I have to listen to actors, not only when they're talking to me but when they're sharing their inane thoughts with one and other. Let's say you decide to leave behind the burden of being paid for your efforts and become an actor. You may find yourself one day on a shoot (lingo) talking with one of your fellow actors but not truly understanding the deeper meaning of the conversation. Well this should help you understand just exactly what it is your scene stealing new friend is trying to say to you.

What are you working on now?
(Are you doing better than me?)

Have you ever worked on Law and Order?
(Are you doing better than me? OR Guess what I just got finished doing?)

How did you hear about this job?
(What casting service do you use? Are they better than mine? Should I use them?)

How long have you been doing this?
(Can you help my career?)

What's your day job?
(I need a day job is your place hiring?)

A friend of mine is making an independent film.
(My friend just bought a video camera)

Here is my card.
(Here is my card. Pass it along to someone who can help my career.)

Here is how things work on a professional set.
(The last time I got a paid acting job was ten years ago as an extra on Law and Order)

Give me a call sometime.
(Unless you have a job for me don't even think about bothering me)

Seriously I have nothing but respect for actors. I admire their ability to travel down the unsafe path and follow their dreams. I too tried it once, until I discovered just how much I truly sucked.

1 comment:

Doug Norris said...

You forgot "Have you lost weight?" (where can I get some good coke?)

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