Monday, March 10, 2008

This is the end...

... you're not my friend so you're really not my only friend... the end.

So it finally happened, or rather I forced it to happen, but the old "M" and "C" less HP laptop is no more. After many a frustrating time typing without the afore mentioned keys, I finally launched the final fuck you in the form of a mouse to the screen. I admit I do let my anger get the better of me, but in my defence I was aiming for the wall and missed, at point blank range no less.

The old HP was no stranger to abuse. Besides those damn missing keys it had "fallen down" due to it's own clumsyness and not because it had refused to start up. And on one occasion I tripped over the cord and broke a speaker cover, that time it was an accident.

Forced to purchase a new computer I rushed over to the Mac store, that's right the Mac store. I am now a member of an obnoxious community of "serious" computer users. That's right no more cool games for me, now I'll be using the full video editing, photo manipulating, podcasting, abilities of my macbook to play Line Rider for hours on end and settle bets with the use of So even if I'm not using it's full capabilities it is nice to know that I'll have to ability to put together a documentary on the history of lint, or produce a podcast dedicated to independant movies of Chile (note I said that with the "a" sound at the end). Now if you'll excuse me I have an overwhelming desire to purchase a Venti Soy Latte from Starbucks.

The picture posted below have been entered into evidence...

1 comment:

Doug Norris said...

you should take that on the subway and ask people if it belongs to them.

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